Analysis and Reporting

Our periodic reports deliver timely, in-depth analysis of political and economic developments crucial to investors, both in English and Spanish.


> Political Confidential Report: Analyzes the most relevant events in the political-economic context and their impact on business.

> Political Risk Index: Evaluates various political, social and security factors that could affect the stability and investment climate.

> Weekly Report: Analysis of key political, economic and social developments + as well as a summary of key government announcements.

> Legislative Monitoring: Update on key legislative initiatives of business interest and the actions of key legislative leaders.

> News update: Compilation of key local political and economic news relevant to businesses.

> Business & Society: Compilation of relevant news and articles on the different ways in which companies are seeking 

to solve social problems in the communities in which they operate.


> Monetary pulse: Analyses key factors conditioning local monetary and financial stability.

> Macro report: Analyses key economic data that shape the business environment and forecast the short term trajectory of the economy.

> Macro Dashboard: Presents the evolution of key economic variables + an executive analysis of recent trends.

> Macro database: Historical database of key macro economic data.

Ad-hoc Reporting and Analysis

> Country Risk Due Diligence: Provides a detailed analysis of political, security, operational, regulatory, and social risks in a specific jurisdiction.

> Market entry and market dominance (a regulatory requirement for acquisitions in some jurisdictions) reports

> Social and economic impact analysis -at the macro and local level- of ongoing major business operations

> Profiling key political and social figures at the national and local level

> In-depth analysis of public policies impacting businesses

> Data collection and number crunching